Avocado consumption associated with lower cardiovascular disease risk

Harvard Health Publishing

A new study published in the Journal of the American Heart Association has found that consuming avocados is associated with lower heart disease risk. The study authors recommended replacing butter and processed foods with avocados as a more healthy alternative. They are an excellent source of nutrients such as healthy fats, fibers, and antioxidants. Eating at least two servings of avocado per week can improve gut health and weight loss.


Corliss, Julie. β€œEnjoy Avocados? Eating One a Week May Lower Heart Disease Risk.” Harvard Health, 11 Apr. 2022, https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/enjoy-avocados-eating-one-a-week-may-lower-heart-disease-risk-202204112725#:~:text=Eating%20one%20a%20week%20may%20lower%20heart%20disease%20risk,-April%2011%2C%202022&text=The%20creamy%2C%20pale%20green%20flesh,lower%20risk%20of%20cardiovascular%20disease.


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